Thursday, October 1, 2009

King Street September Technostats

Our technology coordinator (that's me!) LOVES numbers, and I've been keeping track of the ways that the afterschoolers use the technology for a while now.  This month, I decided to add the numbers up, so here they are:

  • In September, 41 Afterschoolers chose to use technology over the course of 14 recorded days (the actual number of days of program was higher, but I started recording after a week of school).  This includes use of computers, digital cameras, and the wii.
  • That's a total of 77% of the children in the Afterschool program using technology this month.
  • 70% of the girls in the Afterschool Program used technology one or more times.
  • 69% of boys in the Afterschool Program used technology one or more times.
  • The person who used technology the largest number of times chose to be in the computer room 12 days out of 14.
  • The total number of technology 'touches' (one child using technology on a given day) was 171.

And, one final statistic:

  • 20% of the 41 children who used technology at King Street Center have access to computers at home.